Excimer Laser Technique

What is Excimer Laser?

"Excimer" is the derivate of the words of excited and dimmer and Excimer Laser is a laser radiating ultraviolet light at 193nm obtained by the stimulation of Argon and fluoride gases. The laser, initially being used in plastic industry and for the production of electronically integrated circuits, attracted the attention of the medicine world due to its precision and started to be used for the first time in 1988 for the myopia treatment over eyes in the United States.

The characteristics of Excimer Laser

If you have read the descriptions regarding the refraction impairment such as myopia or hypermetropia, you may remember that the anteroposterior length of the eye and the changes in the corneal curve result in such situations. The way to eliminate these impairments completely is possible via changing the corneal curve since we are not able to change the length of the eye (at least for now). We are able to perform this by using Excimer Laser which is the most precise lancet invented by the human.

Excimer Laser breaks off the molecular bonds of the corneal tissue performing shaving and gives the cornea a new shape just a sculptor.  This process is performed with a high precision. With each touch of Excimer Laser on the cornea 0.25 microns tissue (1/400 of the thickness of strand) is shaved.

Laser Devices

Allegretto-Wavelight Eye-Q

Wave Light - Allegretto Excimer Laser Device (Germany) is new generation excimer laser having superior features.

It utes the correction with flying spot laser beams of a diameter of 0.95mm.

It has a higher speed than the other lasers providing a much more proper treatment level due to its ability to treat fast. Also, it has a special scanning tracker system (eye-tracker) at 250 Hz. The therapy is continuous even if the patient moves his/her eye during the treatment.

Also, it is ensured that the treatment is performed on the proper area due to the characteristics of the eye to turn around the central axis (cyclotorsion) and to adjust the kappa angle (the angle between the eye pupil center and visual axis). It provides us with satisfying results in both myopic and hypermetropic patients due to Wavefront guided and topography guided special treatments as well as using wavefront optimized profile rather than the standard treatment of other devices. Certain problems such as shaded vision and impaired night vision are eliminated by this new generation laser.


The only difference Eye-Q model is its speed. (200 Hz) All other features are common with these 2 devices.

FEMTEC Femtosecond Laser

It is the fastest femtosecond laser (80KHz) available in the market which was produced in Heidelberg-Germany and developed with the contributions of Dr. Sinan Göker.

FEMTEC laser, is used for arcuate incision, Corneal transplant, corneal tunnel preparation as well as for flap formation during Lasik operation. Additionally, un other femtosecond lasers, its quality to perform intrastromal presbyopia treatment (IntraCOR) is used only in our institute which is performed without cutting out the cornea and shaving the tissue.

How does FEMTEC operate?

Very small infrared laser lights each of which have a shortness of one/quadrillion form microscopic bubbles inside the cornea which then separates the tissue. The number, size and deepness of these bubbles are previously determined by the doctor. The whole process is computer-controlled.